
This subject provides an opportunity for students to develop, evaluate and apply contemporary speciality marketing topics including global marketing and value chains, business-to-business relationships, services marketing, and contemporary models of retail marketing. This subject combines the application of marketing fundamental with practical business knowledge.  This subject provides an opportunity for … For more content click the Read More button below.


Global marketing: definition, evolution, principles such as cultural sensitivity to create marketing strategies aligned with global citizenship principlesServices marketing: definition, evolution, principles such as distinctive characteristics of services marketing mix and significance of satisfaction, value and service qualityRetail marketing: definition, evolution, principles such as digital and physical distribution strategies and … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and analyse current marketing principles pertaining to marketing in a global, services, retail and B2B contexts;
be able to apply current marketing practices in a range of business contexts through the design of relevant and appropriate strategies and tactics;
be able to conduct secondary market research;
be able to critically assess market conditions in a range of market contexts and to identify the likely impact for key stakeholders; and
be able to present recommendations to a range of audiences using a variety of mediums (e.g., written reports, oral presentations).

Assumed knowledge

MKT110 and MKT220