
This subject introduces students to the key issues, concerns and theories of leadership, and supports students to build a theoretical framework in the context of, and for, the practice of their own leadership. The subject will guide students in their study of leadership by encouraging self-analysis and a critical engagement … For more content click the Read More button below.


Moving from the paradigm of management to the paradigm of leadershipExploration of implicit leadership theories Investigation of trait theories of leadershipInvestigation of leader and follower centred approaches to leadershipExploration of strategy, power and change as key ingredients of leadership practiceExploration of dialogue as a key ingredient of leadership practiceExploration of … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and discuss issues and concerns relating to the practice of leadership;
be able to build a theoretical framework for the practice of leadership in work and/or non-work contexts;
be able to critically engage with theories of leadership and apply to work and/or non-work contexts;
be able to recognize and articulate different ways of framing leadership; and
be able to put into practice learning about leadership theories and identify opportunities to practice leadership.

Enrolment restrictions

Postgraduate students only