
Leading Yourself and Teams is designed to develop your capabilities in self-management and working with teams. The subject includes a component on personal development and self-awareness in relation to ones behaviour in a group. Students will examine the theory and practice of leadership. This subject develops capabilities in working in … For more content click the Read More button below.


Intrapersonal effectiveness understanding yourselfEstablishing goalsTime and self-managementLeading and empowering self and othersPersuasion and powerBuilding teams and workgroupsFacilitating team successManaging conflict

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to gain understanding and insight into their own personality, values, attitudes and behaviours and the impact these have on leadership practice;
be able to describe methods to effectively manage group relationships and group tasks;
be able to compare and contrast various leadership approaches;
be able to design an effective team;
be able to apply leadership and team concepts to effectively lead the team through stages of development; and
be able to critically reflect on their own experiences in teams and the effectiveness of team leadership.