This subject is about conducting business in the digital environment. The origins, growth and technical operation of the Internet are examined with respect to business practices, strategies and performance. This subject introduces the use of computerised information systems specifically in the area of eCommerce. These systems are useful business tools … For more content click the Read More button below.
Introduction to electronic commerceIntroduction to business information systemsE-market placesBusiness to consumer electronic commerceBusiness to business electronic commerceE-supply chains, collaborative commerce and portalsSecurity issues, network and electronic commerceElectronic payments systemsE-commerce strategyEconomics and justification of e-commerceLegal, ethical and social impacts of e-commerceFuture of E-commerce
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to evaluate applications of electronic commerce in organisations and analyse the barriers to successful implementation of these technologies;
be able to identify the effects of technology on business results and measure the contribution of technology to firm performance;
be able to evaluate problems posed by utilising electronic commerce, including security, legal jurisdictions and effectiveness;
be able to discuss electronic commerce planning processes and the managerial and organisational contingencies affecting the relationship between technology and the organisation; and
be able to analyse technology needs in specific situations and develop customer-focused plans and correspondence.
Assumed knowledge
Not available to students who have completed ACC356