
This subject aims to provide students with the knowledge, understanding and skills relating to human behaviour within organisations at the individual, group and organisational levels. The subject examines the factors which influence behaviour such as leadership, teamwork, motivation, change, power and learning. Strategies which may be adopted to increase personal … For more content click the Read More button below.


Introduction to organisational behaviourIndividual aspects of organisational behaviourMotivationLearning and reinforcementJob design, goal setting and flexible workGroups and teamsOrganisational culturePower, politics and influenceLeadership and empowermentDecision makingCommunication, conflict and negotiationOrganisational change and innovation

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and explain the contemporary Organisational Behaviour (OB) theories and concepts about behaviour of people in organisations as individuals or as members of collective groups and cultures;
be able to reflect on your own behaviour and that of others within organisations based on OB theories and concepts;
be able to explain what motivates individuals' behaviour in organisations and create suggestions for managing their behaviour based on OB theories and concepts;
be able to assess the role of work teams and groups in an organisation and recommend strategies to manage performance of teams and groups; and
be able to assess effective practices of an organisation, identify key issues and formulate and apply appropriate managerial strategies for enhancing the performance of an organisation and its people.

Enrolment restrictions

Available to undergraduate students only