This microcredential explores a range of pedagogical approaches to science education in Years 7-10. It examines current Science 7-10 syllabus documents and identifies the place of science in the school curriculum. It also examines Year 11 and Year 12 NSW science syllabuses and the Australian Curriculum. A major focus is … For more content click the Read More button below.
Part 1: Years 7-10
Module 1 – Learners and learning in science
Module 2 - What science should students learn?
Module 3- Planning for learning in science
Module 4 - Making learning and learners visible.
Part 2: Senior Years
Module 1 - Curriculum for science in the senior years
Module … For more content click the Read More button below.
Module 3 - Assessing learners’ progress
Module 4: Developing senior teaching programs
Assessment items
1. Part 1: Assessment item 1 - Planning for science learning (Stage 4)
2. Part 1: Assessment item 2 - Assessment for science learning (Stage 5)
3. Part 2: Assessment item 1 - Curriculum and resources for senior sciences
4. Part 2: Assessment item 2 - Develop a summative assessment task with rubric
5. Part 2: Assessment item 3 - Develop a teaching program
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
• be able to apply the structure and content of the Science 7-10 Syllabus for NSW or the Australian Curriculum in the development of a sequence of lessons;
• be able to implement senior secondary science curriculum and syllabus documents for NSW or the Australian Curriculum into a teaching program;
• be able to apply contemporary models of pedagogy, including inquiry based strategies, in the planning of sequences of teaching/learning activities and assessment in science;
• be able to plan teaching and learning sequences for Science 7-10 and senior secondary sciences that utilise learners’ prior experience of scientific ideas and will provide learners with opportunities to develop or apply their conceptual understandings through the application of Working Scientifically skills and open, inquiry questions;
Enrolment restrictions
Evidence of eligibility for teacher accreditation
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Dawson, V., Venville, G., & Donovan, J. (Eds.). (2019). The art of teaching science: Acomprehensive guide to the teaching of secondary school science (3rd ed.). Crows Nest, NSW:Allen & Unwen.