
This subject introduces students to the development of Australian literature and culture through studying a wide variety of texts including novels, plays, poetry, films, and songs. From the late nineteenth century to present-day, poetic considerations of landscape to Indigenous responses to colonisation, the texts in this subject consider Australia's diverse … For more content click the Read More button below.


Introduction to Australian LiteratureConceptualising the Continent/ Colonisation's Imaginative ReachLandscapes, Cities and Suburbia in the Australian ConsciousnessNationalism and Transnationalism in questions of Australian IdentityModernism and Postmodernism in Australian ConditionsIndigenous Australian responses to the Settler Colonial Project

Assessment items

1. Close Reading and Analysis of a Poem
2. Interactive Essay

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and describe the social, political and cultural contexts for particular Australian literary and creative works;
be able to interpret and critically analyse a variety of Australian literary and creative works using skills derived from literary studies;
be able to demonstrate knowledge of the ways in which Australian literary and creative works engage with key questions and debates within the Australian literary field; and
be able to apply skills in research, communication, and writing in order to examine and compare literary texts and contexts.