
This subject is designed to provide students with an overview of, and an introduction to, the collective aspects of industrial law in Australia. The subject covers the sources of industrial law, the constitutional basis of industrial law, the contents of a federal award, the meaning of an industrial organisation and … For more content click the Read More button below.


introduction to industrial law;the constitutional basis of industrial law;what is an industry?what is an industrial dispute?the contents of federal awards;industrial action;industrial organisations;Australian federal industrial legislation; andawards, enterprise agreements and wage fixation.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to explain the constitutional basis of industrial law;
be able to identify and analyse the significance of the collective aspects of industrial law in Australia;
be able to define the concepts 'industry' and 'industrial dispute';
be able to explain how industrial organisations play a part in industry and industrial dispute, within the restraints of common law and federal legislation; and
be able to identify, discuss and analyse the various industrial instruments used in relation to Australia's National Employment Standards, and their impact on wages and conditions of employment.

Assumed knowledge

LAW110 or LAW112