
This subject introduces the major components of modern front-end Web development, including Web page content, presentation and behaviour. It provides the students with the coding skills to build structured HTML Web pages, and to control the formatting and behaviour of Web pages using CSS and JavaScript. It also underlays the … For more content click the Read More button below.


How the Web WorksHTML Text MarkupHTML Links and ImagesHTML Tables and FormsCSS Rules, Selectors and DeclarationsCSS Formatting, Colours and BackgroundsCSS Dimensions, Padding, Borders, Positioning and LayoutsIntroduction to JavaScriptJavaScript Statements, Variables and ArraysJavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)JavaScript Document Manipulation

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and explain the structure of the Web and the anatomy of Web pages;
be able to create simple Web pages using basic HTML text elements;
be able to design structured Web pages using headings, paragraphs, lists and tables;
be able to format Web page content using Cascaded Style Sheets (CSS);
be able to identify and explain the Document Object Model (DOM); and
be able to use JavaScript to manipulate Web page content.

Assumed knowledge

It is assumed students have completed ITC106, or content similar

Enrolment restrictions

Available to undergraduate students only.