
In this subject, students draw upon their experience in industry to demonstrate that they are progressively obtaining the skills and attributes expected of a Charles Sturt University computing graduate. During the session students will be required to attend and participate in approved events, and then collate evidence for a professional … For more content click the Read More button below.


Introduction to the personal portfolioAttendance at talksAttendance at exhibitions/conferencesVolunteer work with non-profit organisationsCompletion of MOOCsMembership of Professional Information and Communications Technology (ICT) BodiesAttendance at approved eventsParticipate respectfully and share experiences in a digital yarning event

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to select from a variety of professional activities offered and provide evidence for their participation/completion;
be able to assemble a personal portfolio of professional activities undertaken; and
be able to reflect on experiences with community-based information technology and apply Yarning circle methodologies to demonstrate new ways of engaging with knowledge.

Enrolment restrictions

Available to Bachelor of Computer Science and Bachelor of Information Technology students only