
This subject is a study of a practitioner's approach to information technology project management. It provides students with an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills needed to understand project management principles, techniques and tools. The subject integrates previous learning in ICT (information and communications technology) and prepares students to … For more content click the Read More button below.


Project life cycle models and processesProject integration managementProject scope managementProject time and cost managementProject quality managementProject human resource managementProject communications managementLeading and managing project teamsWorking effectively as a team memberInitiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing a projectProject risk, procurement and stakeholder managementCritical issues and success factors

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to differentiate between a range of project life cycle models, and their appropriate application;
be able to identify and reflect on the key elements of the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) framework, including project stakeholders, communication management, the project management knowledge areas, common tools and techniques, and project success factors;
be able to explain and appreciate the role of ICT project management within a professional workplace, from the viewpoint of the member/leader of the project team;
be able to critically evaluate how a practising ICT project manager applies ICT project management techniques, skills, methods and software tools in the IT profession;
be able to demonstrate an understanding of leadership qualities required to successfully lead a project;
be able to collaborate effectively with others in a team environment and contribute productively to team outputs; and
be able to apply and analyse established ICT project management principles, skills and techniques to a case study.

Assumed knowledge

Background knowledge similar to ITC211 or ITC203

Enrolment restrictions

Available to undergraduate students only.
