This subject covers problem-solving, computer program design and implementation in Java at an introductory level. Programming concepts are presented using an object-oriented approach and students learn how to develop programs using object-oriented techniques. The subject covers class design, the use of inheritance in class design and the use of aggregation … For more content click the Read More button below.
Review of basic programming principles in the context of the Java language, strong typing and flow of control patterns.Object-based programming: the creation of objects, their use and interaction.The interpretation of design requirements through simple UML.User-defined classes, class design and implementation.Testing and debugging techniques.Inheritance patterns and inheritance implementation: base classes, derived … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to implement basic algorithms in Java;
be able to interpret design requirements expressed in UML (Unified Modelling Language);
be able to apply inheritance and aggregation patterns in the design and implementation of programs;
be able to manipulate simple file operations using Java;
be able to use object-oriented techniques and Java resources to develop small applications consisting of a number of classes;
be able to apply basic testing and debugging techniques in program development.
Assumed knowledge
It is assumed students will have completed ITC104 or ITC106, or similar
Enrolment restrictions
Available to undergraduate students only.