This subject addresses the importance of self-development based on the teachings of the Qur'an and hadith (prophetic narratives). It covers foundational Islamic spirituality concepts, such as ihsan (spiritual excellence), ikhlas (sincerity), istiqama (balance) and taqwa (righteousness). These concepts will be discussed alongside ibada (worship) to appreciate the relationship between all … For more content click the Read More button below.
Human nature and the human facultiesIhsan (spiritual excellence) and the seven levels of nafs (ego)Virtuous circle of development, ikhlas (sincerity) and istiqama (balance)Three dimensions of worship, taqwa (righteousness) and sunnahDu'a (supplication) and dhikr (remembrance)Abstaining from sins and tawba (repentance)Spiritual significance of shahada (testimony), tafakkur (reflection) and yaqin (certainty)Spiritual significance of … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Reflective Posts
2. Essay
3. Blog Writing
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
Critically articulate the relationship between levels of self-development from an Islamic perspective
Discuss ibadah (worship) in relation to its key components
Demonstrate in-depth understanding of spiritual concepts in various life scenarios
Critically evaluate the significance of the five pillars in relation to Islamic spiritual development
Demonstrate self-guided learning, including research, writing and communication skills