This subject introduces Arabic focusing on grammar and grammatical analysis of sentences. Students will learn the different categories of words, phrases and sentences, and how to identify them through form, meaning and context. Various relevant contexts such as the Qur'an, Hadith and everyday scenarios will be explored in order to … For more content click the Read More button below.
Introduction to the Arabic languageMasculine and feminine genderPrepositionsMawsuf sifah (adjectival) phrasePlural nounsDetached pronouns and idafah (possessive) phraseIʿrab (declension) and the jumlah ismiyah (nominal sentence)Mabni (indeclinable word), muʿrab (declinable word) and mawsuf sifah (adjectival) phrase extensionIdafah (possessive) phrase extension and attached pronounsThe jumlah fiʿliyah (verbal sentence) and past tense verbsPresent tense … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Engagement & Participation
2. Online Worksheets
3. Final Online Exam
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
Identify the different types of words, phrases and sentences in an Arabic text
Grammatically analyse sentences from an Arabic text
Conjugate simple verbs in the appropriate tense, gender and person
Translate an Arabic text into English
Interpret information from an Arabic text
Assumed knowledge
Ability to recognise and recite the Arabic script