
This subject provides a detailed introduction to the major practices necessary to establish an effective and efficient records and archives management environment. The subject looks at the technical, managerial and policy infrastructure necessary to ensure an effective records and archives service is developed and maintained.


Overview of records and recordkeeping systemsInfrastructure, policies and practicesMetadata for records and archives managementDescriptive standards Appraisal and disposalTechnology and digital recordsImplementing recordkeeping systemsAccess and useGovernance and advocacy

Assessment items

1. Recorded presentation – automating appraisal Q&A
2. Report: Recordkeeping strategy

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to explain the key components comprising any recordkeeping management system;
be able to apply knowledge and judgment to practices and procedures for the capture and management of both analogue and digital records;
be able to explain various approaches to appraisal, and apply this knowledge to practice in the disposal of records;
be able to apply, develop and evaluate appropriate policies and standards for the care of both analogue and digital collections;
be able to analyse and reflect on issues surrounding standards and processes involved in acquiring and describing records; and
be able to implement appropriate policies and standards to enable use and access to records and archives.

Enrolment restrictions

Not available to students who have completed INF315, INF316 or INF528.