
This subject introduces students to the nature and structure of information work across different sectors including galleries, libraries, archives, museums, government organisations and commercial enterprises. It examines the major information sources and services used and developed by information professionals to answer various information requests in different contexts. The concepts of … For more content click the Read More button below.


What are information servicesThe information professional's roles in information servicesTechnical, cultural, ethical and legal dimensions of information workThe reference process: Traditional and virtual environmentsReference interview skills and techniquesEducational roles of information professionalsReference sources used in information servicesEvaluating information sourcesEffective searching for relevant and reliable informationInformation for different disciplinary and organisational … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Report - Enhancing Information Services
2. Reference Interview and Library Guide

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to locate and evaluate a range of information resources for the purpose of meeting users' information needs;
be able to explain and conduct effective information services in various contexts;
be able to explain the purpose and role of the reference interview in meeting users' information needs; and
be able to discuss the impact of emerging technologies on the roles of information professionals and information services.

Enrolment restrictions

Not available to students who have completed INF406 or INF202 or INF106.