
In this capstone subject students will demonstrate achievement of Course Learning Objectives and refine their knowledge and skills in human services and existing practice as they focus on preparing for a career in the human services profession. Reflection on professional values and ethics together with the application of skills in … For more content click the Read More button below.


  Values and Ethics: Underlying principles and personal values to enable reflective practiceGroupwork and professional collaborationSustainable professional practice: Networking/ Communities of practice/ Lenses and perspectives applied to practiceWork readiness: Skills and knowledge development/ Fields and contexts of practice/ Professional development

Assessment items

1. Weekly reflective journals and consolidation paper
2. Group Presentation

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to synthesise course learning outcomes and apply these to professional practice
be able to identify and critically evaluate own professional ethics and values;
be able to identify and critically evaluate the professional ethics and values of other professional practitioners
be able to demonstrate and apply skills in group work and collaborative practice
be able to engage with human services contexts in a way that is professional and fosters sustainable practice
be able to develop own professional identity and explore potential career paths
be able to develop and present a personal portfolio that includes reflection and exploration of values, communities of practice and professional skills and knowledge in context

Assumed knowledge


Enrolment restrictions

Subject available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Human Services and Bachelor of Social Science (Social Welfare).