
The development and delivery of effective training within an organisational context is a key strategy in employee and organisational success. This subject explores the forces influencing Australian and international organisations in this regard, and their strategic responses. Needs assessment, learning theories, and the design, delivery and evaluation of training are … For more content click the Read More button below.


Strategic training and development for domestic and international organisationsCurrent and emerging directions and practicesNeeds assessmentLearning theories, motivation, cross cultural implications and HRDProgram design - in house, outsourcing and partnershipsTraining delivery methodologies and technologiesAssessment of trainingTransfer and outcomes for domestic and global HRDPerformance management, organisational change, sustainability and lifelong learning

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and critically evaluate the environmental forces influencing organisations and their strategic training responses;
be able to recommend suitable learning theories that can be utilised in specific domestic and/or global organisational environments;
be able to conduct a strategic needs analysis for an organisation;
be able to design and evaluate a training and development program for a specific organisational context; and
be able to contextualise evolving directions of training and development within organisational contexts, including emerging best practices.

Enrolment restrictions

Postgraduate Students Only