This subject explores how multi-national organisations manage HR functions across multiple locations while sustaining the culture of a dynamic global workforce. The role of HR within multinational organisations, such as managing human resources in cross-border network structures; global legal regulations; identification, preparation and relocation of talent; career management; turnover and … For more content click the Read More button below.
The Internationalisation of Human Resource Management (HRM)Strategic International HRM (IHRM)International mergers and acquisitions, international joint ventures and alliancesCountry and company culture IHRMInternational employee relationsInternational workforce planning and staffingInternational recruitment, international selection, and repatriationInternational capability developmentInternational employee performance managementInternational compensation, benefits, and taxesWell-being of the international workforce and international Human Resource … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically analyse international business activity in the context of current and emerging international HRM theory;
be able to examine the impact of cross-cultural diversity on the international business operations and international human resource management practice;
be able to critically evaluate global human resource management practices to determine effective HR strategies for multinational organisations; and
be able to research emerging issues in international business and make responsive, culturally relevant human resource management recommendations.
Assumed knowledge
Assumed knowledge for this subject is similar to that covered in HRM502.
Enrolment restrictions
Postgraduate students only