The core of the engineering curriculum is the Civil Engineering Topic Tree. The overall Topic Tree contains around 1,000 topics, covering the range of different specialties within civil engineering. Students complete these topics in a mastery learning paradigm, with linkages between the topics indicated by required pre-requisite knowledge. This subject … For more content click the Read More button below.
The topics for this subject are contained in the Civil Engineering Topic Tree. Each topic has its own objectives, learning materials and assessments. In order to successfully complete this subject, students will need to have completed a minimum of 240 topics in the Topic Tree (including any from prior subjects), … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
Demonstrate mastery of a range of specialist content knowledge topics;
Demonstrate mastery of a range of specialist process knowledge topics;
Demonstrate mastery of pre-requisite knowledge for specific engineering topics;
Demonstrate mastery of a range of technical skills; and
Demonstrate the ability to acquire 'just in time' knowledge to suit specific engineering contexts.
NOTE: Each individual topic of the Topic Tree has an individual objectives identifying the specific knowledge to be acquired in that topic. The overall objective for the subject depends upon the aggregation of the objectives for the topics chosen by the student.
Enrolment restrictions
Restricted to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Technology(Civil Systems)/Master of Engineering(Civil Systems); Bachelor of Technology and Diploma of Engineering Studies.