The Charles Sturt Engineering course is structured very differently to other engineering programs. This subject introduces commencing student engineers to the Charles Sturt Engineering structure and philosophy. By focusing immediately and fully on a single project that exemplifies the principles of Charles Sturt Engineering, the incoming students are familiarised with … For more content click the Read More button below.
The Charles Sturt Engineering identity;Introduction to teamwork; andBasic engineering problem solving.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
have met the rest of their intake cohort, and have created a social connection as preparation for working together effectively in the future;
discuss and describe the Charles Sturt Engineering course, and the way in which the degree differs from traditional engineering degree programs; and
work collaboratively to creatively solve a well-defined engineering challenge.
Enrolment restrictions
Restricted to students enrolled in Bachelor of Technology(Civil)/Master of Engineering(Civil), Bachelor of Technology and Bachelor of Engineering (Civil ) (Honours).