
This subject introduces students to foundational aspects of teaching as a profession. To contextualise this positioning, students engage in investigation of design and digital technologies, and consideration of computational, design, and systems thinking, and their relationship to each other. These concepts and processes are then examined in light of their … For more content click the Read More button below.


Becoming a teacherSTEM educationThe NSW Technology Mandatory course and the K-12 technology learning continuumDesign and digital technologies, and computational, design, and systems thinkingRelationship between design and digital technologies and their impact on society and the environmentLiteracy, numeracy, sustainability, and ethical understanding capabilites in technology contextsProject-based approaches to teaching and learning: … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Analysis of aspects of technology and design
2. Lesson Planning

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to explain the use, development, nature and impact of technologies and design and their relationship to society and the environment;
be able to identify curriculum links and explain pedagogical application of technological and design concepts, and computational, design and systems thinking across a range of technology contexts including the ways in which products, systems, services and environments operate and develop;
be able to apply the principles of project-based problem-solving and authentic learning in their planning for teaching and learning;
be able to design teaching and learning activities to develop numeracy, literacy, sustainability, and ethical understanding capabilities in the context of design and digital technologies;
be able to describe and plan strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners; and
be able to demonstrate clear and accurate writing, effective research skills, knowledge and use of appropriate educational terminology, and current APA referencing and citation conventions.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is not available to students who have completed EMT103 or EMT447.