
STEM education integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in an interdisciplinary and applied approach to learning and teaching. STEM draws on knowledge and skills of the scientific and technical disciplines to pose, ponder and solve complex, real-world problems. To be successful in STEM, children need to … For more content click the Read More button below.


STEM and STEM education - real world, authentic, integrated and problem drivenSTEM educator capacities and dispositions - the importance of educator's own competence, confidence and positive dispositionsSTEM capabilities - knowledge and higher-order thinking skills, such as critical and creative thinking, innovative thinking and problem solving, and the Australian Curriculum general … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. The STEM learner and a STEM learning experience
2. The STEM classroom and planning for STEM education

Assumed knowledge

This subject has assumed knowledge from the following subjects (EMS207 or EMS406), EMM410 and (EMM209 or EMM418).

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is only available to students enrolled in courses:
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary),
Bachelor of Education (K-12),
Bachelor of Educational Studies, 
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary).

This subject is not available to students enrolled in the Master of Teaching (Primary) course and this subject is not available to students who have completed EMS501.

Students who are undertaking an extended primary curriculum area study in Science and Technology or in Mathematics should complete (EMS207 or EMS406), (EMM209 or EMM418) and EMM410 prior to enrolling in EMS407.