
In this subject students will extend their English discipline and curriculum knowledge through examining issues and topics relevant to effective primary English and literacy instruction. Students will learn and apply inquiry skills to independently locate, analyse, synthesise and evaluate sources of information addressing an issue or topic. Students will develop … For more content click the Read More button below.


Identifying issues/topics in contemporary English and literacy education e.g. synthetic versus analytic phonics, evidence-based practice for supporting emergent literacy, supporting the literacy learning of children with special needs; acquisition versus learning of grammarDeveloping guiding questions for inquiryLocating relevant and appropriate sources of informationLinking theory to pedagogical practice for effective literacy … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

2. Inquiry Project Report
3. Inquiry Seminar Presentation

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify, critique, and respond to a range of global and local issues and topics relevant to the teaching and learning of English in the Australian context for the diverse range of learners;
be able to articulate connections between issues and topics in English and literacy education and relevant theories of pedagogy, practice and processes for teaching and learning English and literacy;
be able to explain implications of contemporary issues and topics for teaching and learning English and literacy for a diversity of contexts in primary education;
be able to implement inquiry based skills in English and literacy classrooms through engagement in the inquiry process and reflection on it;
be able to source, analyse and synthesise high quality scholarly academic literature and other key relevant materials that support multiple perspective on issues and topics in English language and literacy education;
be able to communicate the outcomes of inquiry through coherent and accessible written, spoken and digital texts; and
be able to plan and conduct seminars to promote peer learning about the ways research informs effective English and literacy instruction.

Assumed knowledge

This subject has assumed knowledge from the following subjects (EPT127 or EML440) and (EML306 or EML439).

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is only available to students enrolled in courses:
Bachelor of Education (K-12);
Bachelor of Educational Studies; 
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary);
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary).

This subject is not available to students enrolled in the Master of Teaching (Primary) course and this subject is not available to students who have completed EML529.

Students who are undertaking an extended primary curriculum area study in English/Literacy should complete (EPT127 or EML440) and (EML306 or EML439) prior to enrolling in EML447.