This subject provides teacher education students with the curriculum and pedagogical knowledge that will enable them to be teachers of Humanities and Social Sciences K-6. In this subject, teacher education students will specifically engage with the knowledge and understandings, skills and values of the NSW Human Society and its Environment … For more content click the Read More button below.
Humanities and Social Sciences curricula in AustraliaThe scope and continuum of the HSIE learning area (Early Stage 1-Stage 4)History curriculum and pedagogyGeography curriculum and pedagogyInquiry and place-based pedagogies in HSIEPlanning and assessment for the diverse primary classroom, using a backward design approachDeveloping ethical values through Civics and Citizenship educationCross-Curriculum priorities … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Reflecting on the HSIE/Humanities curriculum
2. Unit of Learning
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to plan learning experiences that demonstrate understanding of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus and NSW Geography Syllabus, Early Stage 1-Stage 3;
be able to incorporate a range of strategies and resources for teaching and assessing primary history and geography in a sequence of learning;
be able to articulate a rationale for teaching HSIE in primary classrooms, which includes inquiry-based and place-based pedagogies;
be able to design meaningful learning experiences that connect the HSIE curricula with the community;
be able to incorporate literacy, numeracy and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) capabilities in HSIE learning programs; and
be able to describe the cross-curriculum priorities and their relationship to the HSIE learning area and embed the cross-curriculum priorities and general capabilities in HSIE learning sequences.
Assumed knowledge
IKC101 or IKC103
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is not available to students who have completed EMH419 as it shares similar content.