In this subject the students will gain an authentic understanding of the arts as expressive languages through an exploration of visual art, media art, music, drama, construction and movement. In addition students will gain knowledge of research into the impact of an arts rich curriculum on children's development and learning. … For more content click the Read More button below.
Research into the arts in early education.'The Hundred Languages of Children': the Reggio Emilia experience.Art media, music, drama, movement and construction as expressive languages.Environments that support creative expression and meaning making through the arts.The role of the early childhood educator in designing enriching contexts and supporting articulate use of materials.Pedagogical … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Reflective Art(s) making
2. Pedagogical documentation
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
use research into the relationship between an arts rich curriculum and children's holistic development and examples of exemplary practices to inform their curriculum planning in early learning programs;
communicate and explore an idea through a variety of art media, music, movement and drama activities in order to gain deeper understanding of how they can be used by children;
design environments and use teaching strategies that encourage children to make their thinking visible (e.g. pedagogical documentation);
describe and demonstrate the early childhood educator's role in provoking and supporting the children's use of art media, music, drama, and movement as expressive languages;
recognise the impact of prior experience and cultural values on their views and practices; and
articulate a personal philosophy of the role of creative arts in the curriculum.
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is restricted to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Birth to Five Years) or as approved by the respective Course Coordinator or Course Director.
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
For this subject students require a laptop computer and/or appropriate mobile device.