This subject introduces students to the teaching and practice of gymnastics and dance, considering these in a variety of contexts and examining the different ways in which they contribute to life long participation in physical activity. The subject focusses on developing, engaging, safe, age-appropriate gymnastics and dance experiences, drawing on … For more content click the Read More button below.
Contexts and genres of gymnastics and dance;Generic gymnastics-dance fundamental movement skills;Gymnastic core themes: statics; rotation; flight; locomotion;Four motion factors and the eight basic efforts (Laban);Basic movement themes: body awareness, awareness of space, awareness of the body in space and time, adaptation to a partner, the instrumental use of the body; … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Reflective Response 1
2. Reflective Response 2
3. Reflective Response 3
4. Reflective Response 4
5. Micro Teaching/Coaching and Evaluation
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to discuss and examine various theories in gymnastics and dance, reflecting on how these can strengthen and enrich their future pedagogical decisions and general practice in the gymnastics-dance domain;
be able to explore a range of learning, teaching and assessment strategies and educational processes in gymnastics and dance contexts, transferring theory and practice from the university context to a school context;
be able to analyse relevant theory, applying knowledge and understanding gained to develop, plan, deliver and manage creative, age-appropriate, inclusive and safe experiences in gymnastics and dance, with an awareness of risk assessment and safety issues in a variety of contexts;
be able to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of movement as a physical art form that can embody expression, communication and meaning;
be able to compose, perform and appraise movement in gymnastics and dance contexts, as well as engage with and construct compositional and aesthetic criteria which are useful to assess, appraise and appreciate gymnastics and dance skill performance or the performance of a gymnastics-dance sequence;
be able to discuss and debate the relevance of gymnastics and dance for children and young people in contemporary Australia, by considering and reflecting on pedagogical and philosophical changes across significant historical epochs.
Enrolment restrictions
- Bachelor of Education (K-12)
- Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)
- Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)
- Bachelor of Educational Studies
- Bachelor of Education (Primary)
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary) PDHPE
- and as approved by Course Co-ordinator