
This subject aims to enhance student understanding of current research and practice in applied sport and exercise psychology so that it can be used in their chosen future career area. It introduces students to a range of psychological interventions currently being used by 'mental' coaches and sport psychologists to improve … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Introduction to Applied Sport Psychology;Models of Psychological Preparation for Optimal Performance;Psychological Skills Training Program Development;Psychological Characteristics of Optimal Performance;Flow and Performance;Goal Setting and Enhancing Motivation;Confidence and Self-Talk;Arousal Management (Relaxation and Energising strategies);Concentration and Attentional Control Techniques;Imagery and Mental Rehearsal;Referral Issues; andPractical Advice from … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
identify the influences that selected psychological factors have on adherence, performance and personal growth in sport and exercise settings;
evaluate the process of development and implementation of an applied sport psychology program;
analyse a range of techniques for developing psychological/mental skills;
apply various techniques of a psychological skills training program that addresses the needs of a sport/population-specific group or individual;
exercise critical thinking and reflective judgement (related to psychology) in order to identify and adapt training environments to maximise adherence and performance and refer individuals appropriately;
demonstrate the skills required to locate, access and critically evaluate existing information and data; and
synthesize and apply information and data to different contexts to facilitate planning, problem solving and decision making.

Enrolment restrictions

Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science

Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Sport Management)

Bachelor of Sports Media

and as approved by Course Director