
This subject is comprised of two modules preparing students to teach aquatics and track and field in Year K-10 contexts. These modules provide students with the opportunity to develop skills in planning for and presenting safe, fun, age appropriate and challenging aquatics and track and field activities. These modules will … For more content click the Read More button below.


Aquatics:Aquatic organisations in Australia;The relevance of aquatics in school based Physical Education programs and whole school events;The place of aquatics in the NSW Years K-10 PDHPE syllabus;Principles of movement in the water;Teaching aquatic skills - safety, pedagogy and performance;Developing the literacy's of aquatics - buoyancy, flotation, propulsion, streamlining, diving;Applying aquatic … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Aquatic Resource Kit
2. Athletics Skill Unit

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to sequence concepts and learning experiences for specific stages of learners;
be able to accurately engage with the literacies applicable to aquatics and track and field;
be able to affirm, celebrate and respond to the cultural and social difference of their learners;
be able to design stage-appropriate, safe, creative and challenging learning experiences which cater for a variety of student learning styles and special needs;
be able to develop formative assessment strategies which reflect NSW Years K-10 PDHPE learning outcomes;
be able to value physical activity as a lifelong learning experience;
be able to develop observational, instructional and assessment abilities for skills in aquatics and track and field;
be able to recognise the inherent risks in both aquatic and athletic environments and plan accordingly;
be able to appreciate the meaning and cultural relevance of aquatics and track and field in Australian society and in the lives of young people.

Enrolment restrictions

  • Bachelor of Education (K-12)
  • Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)
  • Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)
  • Bachelor of Educational Studies
  • Bachelor of Education (Primary)
  • Bachelor of Education (Secondary) PDHPE
  • and as approved by Course Co-ordinator