
The subject introduces students to research methodology and planning in the context of the Customs Administration and its related disciplines. The subject focuses on research traditions and paradigms relevant to the student's discipline, and the nature of the research process, including planning and designing a research project. In consultation with … For more content click the Read More button below.


Research Process, Planning and DesignQualitative and Quantitative Research Methodologies Developing a research proposal Conducting a review of the literature Ethics in research

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate an informed understanding of the broad body of knowledge in the specialist field of customs administration, including recent developments in theory and practice
be able to demonstrate familiarity with the role and potential of research in the field of Customs Administration and related disciplines, including concepts and theories in a professional and/or academic context
be able to select, evaluate, justify and communicate appropriate research methods for their chosen topic area
be able to develop a research plan to explore critically the issues in their chosen topic area in depth and with balance
be able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the importance and various roles of the literature review in research.
be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of the ethical issues in research and their particular relevance to Customs Administration, including recognising the significance of consent, confidentiality and other ethical considerations in relation to research
be able to formulate and articulate well-developed approaches to a research project, including specificity of purpose and a clear set of objectives
be able to demonstrate the research skills and expertise necessary to prepare a major paper or a work-based project

Enrolment restrictions

Note: this subject is prerequisite to CUS550