The subject introduces students to the discipline of design and content creation by addressing three important questions: what is content creation? how can we build connections with others through content? and, how is content designed, produced and distributed? This subject introduces the key concepts of content design, production and publication … For more content click the Read More button below.
Orientation: Historical and Contemporary Content CreationContexts of practice (Intersections with strategic communication and news and media)Professional ecosystemLegislative frameworks and regulationsDeveloping Strategies for Design and Content Creation - Resources and constraints - budget, client, time parametersContent creation: Thinking multimodally Principles of design and the design process Understanding Users: Introduction to User … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Logo Brief
2. Create a Logo
3. TV Commercial
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to articulate the history, context and purpose of design and content creation;
be able to demonstrate the fundamental skills of a content creator;
be able to follow a basic process for developing content; and
be able to generate ideas and gather information to write and produce content for a variety of media.
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Smart phone
Editing software
Video studio
Sound booth
Video cameras with tripods
Audio recorders