The subject introduces students to the discipline of news and media by addressing three important questions: what is news and media; what is its role in society; and how is it produced and distributed? This subject introduces the key concepts of news, content production and publication in a range of … For more content click the Read More button below.
What is news? Generating story ideas Information sources for news and media content Producing the news - structure, writing, editing and framing a story Editorial conferencing - how the news gets made Media bias in reporting- profiling, stereotyping, diversity and inclusion What makes the news - understanding news values Understanding … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. English language use and news writing test
2. News story
3. Audio production and statement on ethics
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to investigate and source information and ideas to inform the development of news and media content;
be able to demonstrate the ability to develop stories and multi-media content to satisfy news values and objectives;
be able to communicate with clarity and purpose using appropriate research, evidence, language, grammar and formats in developing news and media content;
be able to explain the contemporary media landscape and the issues impacting the design and production of news and media content; and
be able to apply the legal and ethical guidelines in formulating news and media content.