The subject is designed to develop students' employability skills and their understanding of professional practice. It provides you with an opportunity to build upon the skills, knowledge and personal insights gained from Work Integrated Learning 1 (BUS113) The subject is also aimed at developing students' self-reflection and self-monitoring skills to … For more content click the Read More button below.
Journal keeping and reflective practiceEmployability skillsGraduate skillsPersonal brandingCareer planningJob application
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to define, evaluate, and reflect on employability skills and graduate attributes to plan appropriate professional development activities;
be able to explore, develop and evaluate a personal career plan;
be able to learn and assess through reflection;
be able to prepare an effective job application; and
be able to explore and enhance personal brand development through academic application and self-development.
Enrolment restrictions
Available only to Study Centre students and other students unable to take BU220, with the approval of the Course Director.