
This subject provides a foundation study of the human body using an integrated systems approach. The primary focus of this subject will be on the physiological processes underlying the function of each body system. After an introduction to anatomical terminology and cell biology, the emphasis of the subject is on … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS: terminology; homeostasis; key biological molecules;CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION: membrane dynamics and cellular communication;BASIC HISTOLOGY: tissue types, locations and functions;NERVOUS STYSTEM: organisation and functional divisions; neuron structure, neuron physiology; synapses; neuromuscular function; functional anatomy of CNS with an emphasis on neural integration; … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
identify and define anatomical and physiological concepts using discipline specific terminology and illustrations;
identify and describe the principal structures, features, functions, and location of the nervous, endocrine, skeletal, and muscular systems; and
apply and interpret anatomical and physiological concepts and how they support the normal functioning of the body.