
Behavioural Ecology is the discipline devoted to understanding animal behaviour within an ecological and evolutionary context. Behavioural Ecology emerged from a synthesis of many scientific disciplines including animal behaviour, ecology, evolutionary biology, psychology and anthropology. In this subject, we will first examine various aspects of animal behaviour and consider the … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject covers the following topics: Natural selection and the evolution of behaviour;The development and genetic bases of behaviour;The neural and physiological bases of behaviour;Predators and prey: an evolutionary arms-race;Finding and competing for food;Territoriality and migration;Principles of communication;Reproductive behaviour;Mating systems;Principles of social evolution; andSocial behaviour and sociality.

Assessment items

1. Measuring behaviour
2. Presentation about a topic in Behavioural Ecology
3. Final exam

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate specialist skills in the identification, description and measurement of animal behaviour;
design a basic behavioural study, collect meaningful behavioural data and interpret results of behavioural ecology studies;
apply specialist skills in recognising and interpreting animal behaviours;
articulate in-depth knowledge about why behaviours vary among animals and how these behaviours have evolved; and
synthesise and analyse peer reviewed literature on animal behaviour.

Assumed knowledge

It is assumed that students will have completed BIO112 Principles of Ecology (or equivalent), and that students have the ability to solve basic mathematical formulae/equations and use spreadsheets to manage data.