
Fish are the most diverse group of vertebrates on earth. In this subject students will gain in-depth knowledge about the global biodiversity and conservation of fishes. Students will learn fundamental principles of fish biology, ecology and evolution and how this knowledge can be used in conservation management. Students will gain … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Ichthyology;Conservation biogeography and macroecology;Comparative anatomy and conservation physiology;Trophic ecology and energetics;Community and population ecology;Fisheries science and management;Fish welfare and behaviour;Life-history; andFish sampling and assessment methods.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of fish biodiversity and how it is globally distributed;
analyse the threats to fish biodiversity and the fundamental concepts that underpin conservation approaches;
identify and explain the ecological functions of major external and internal features of fish and how they vary among species and environments;
assess and apply a range of field and laboratory methods to safely sample fish;
apply animal welfare principles to humanely handle and study fish; and
integrate communication and critical thinking skills needed to explore, interpret and present basic fish ecology data.

Assumed knowledge

BIO112 Principles of Ecology (or equivalent)Ability to solve basic mathematical formulas/equations and use computer spreadsheets to manage data

Enrolment restrictions

A core subject for Graduate Certificate in Fish Conservation and Management

An elective subject for Bachelor of Environmental Science & Management, Bachelor of Environmental Science (specialisations), Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (with specialisations) and Master of Environmental Management

Open for enrolment for other courses with agreement of Course Director such as BGeneral Studies(Sc), BScience, BAnimal Science.

Learning activities

Intensive School

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Students attending compulsory intensive schools on Charles Sturt campuses will incur costs associated with travel, accommodation and required resources. Students will also be required to purchase a lab coat and safety goggles which are compulsory for lab-based practicals.