Landscape ecology is essentially the study of spatial patterns and the way that these spatial patterns influence ecosystem processes and populations. In this subject students learn about the theoretical framework under which these large scale processes and interactions can be studied. They build on existing university knowledge of ecology and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Introduction to landscape ecology
Quantifying landscape patterns
Ecosystem processes in the landscape
Patch characteristics and quality
Patch context and metapopulations
Connectivity and boundaries
Broad scale processes and natural resource management
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
have an in-depth understanding of key concepts, principles and issues associated with landscape ecology;
have a variety of specialised skills in the use of landscape metrics and spatial statistics to landscape processes and interpret the results;
use critical thinking and sound judgement to design appropriate research projects to test specific issues relating to the application of landscape ecology to natural resource management
be able to apply their knowledge and skills to address problems and make appropriate decisions about natural resource management issues at a landscape level