This subject follows on from VSC310 Principles of Pathobiology which gave a brief introduction to the mechanisms of diseases caused by microbial and parasite pathogens. This subject further develops on the role of infectious organisms in animal health and pathogenesis of disease. Student cannot progress to Phase 2, without the … For more content click the Read More button below.
Advanced BacteriologyAdvanced VirologyAdvanced ProtozoologyAdvanced HelminthologyAdvanced MycologySerologyZoonotic agentsLife cycles and reservoirs of infectious agentsHost - parasite - environment relationshipsRevision of innate and adaptive immune defences to infectious agentsLaboratory investigation of microbial disease (including specimen & history collection and transport; isolation & identification of microorganisms using stained smears, culture, biochemical and other … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to recognise infectious pathogenic agents (viruses, prions, bacteria, fungi, protozoan and metazoan parasites) and name the major diseases they cause;
be able to describe the Gram reaction and morphology of the major phenotypic groups of bacteria;
be able to describe key culture requirements and characteristics of major bacterial and fungal pathogens of veterinary significance;
be able to summarise the key steps that occur in the pathogenesis of parasitic and microbial diseases;
be able to distinguish sites with normal microbial flora present and normally sterile sites in the host animal;
be able to demonstrate proficiency in obtaining a pure culture of a microorganism in the laboratory;
be able to explain the life cycles of important parasites of animals;
be able to identify the major groups of internal and external parasites of animals using identification keys;
be able to explain the concepts of virulence and virulence factors for a variety of pathogens;
be able to explain the epidemiological, host environmental and management factors contributing to infectious and parasitological diseases;
be able to describe the chemical and physical methods of disinfection;
be able to perform and interpret common laboratory tests used for identification of infections and diseases;
be able to apply evidence based medicine principles to all conclusions and recommendations concerning infectious disease;
be able to make recommendations regarding effective preventative, treatment and control measures for infectious diseases;
be able to describe the concept of One Health - linking human, animal and environmental health and use examples.
Enrolment restrictions
Restricted to students enrolled in the
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology / Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology / Bachelor of Veterinary Science
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology