
This subject provides an opportunity for students to apply aspects of their learning through a period of study abroad or equivalent international experience. As such it encourages students to develop as professionals and further expand on their understanding of the range of ethical and moral responsibilities underpinning their future careers … For more content click the Read More button below.


The syllabus is dependent upon the area of specialisation and will be negotiated between the student and their Program Leader or Course Director and the Subject Coordinator. Each student will however: select an international experience that falls within one of the specialist areas offered in their undergraduate degrees or a … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
have an understanding of the nature and characteristics of the community in which they were based and how important a cross-cultural experience is to education
have an understanding of how an international experience can influence a student's professional development
recognise a range of opportunities for professional learning that international experience can provide
be able to exercise appropriate initiative, judgement , and decision making in a range of contexts
be able to act in the role of goodwill ambassadors for Australia, for their course, and the University around the world
feel empowered to better understand themselves and others through a comparison of cultural values and ways of life
value professionalism, citizenship, and science.

Enrolment restrictions

Students must be enrolled in a course offered by the Faculty of Science.