
This subject focuses on the flowering plants (the angiosperms), the most successful plants on the planet and vital for our survival. We start with an overview of plants, highlighting their intimate association with us, from domestication of important food species to plants of cultural and pharmacological significance. A summary of … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Unit1: The science of botany; origins of agriculture; plants and people; taxonomy; evolution and research methodology;Unit 2: From molecules to cells;Unit 3: Energy and cell division - photosynthesis; respiration and how cells divide;Unit 4: Plant structure, growth and development;Unit 5: Angiosperm diversity and … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning activities

Intensive School

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

All students are required to have a lab coat, safety glasses and covered footwear for lab based practicals. Students attending compulsory intensive schools on Charles Sturt University campuses will incur costs associated with travel, accommodation and required resources.