This subject completes the detailed development of student clinical skills that underpin professional practice in both the public and private setting. The subject finalises the student's practical training and requirements for professional accreditation. In this subject, students complete supervised medical radiation science practice experiences in their chosen specialisation for a … For more content click the Read More button below.
This subject will include 36 weeks of clinical practice which includes.
further refining of clinical skills to meet the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia's (MRPBA) professional capabilities in the student's specialisation;development of clinical reasoning and problem solving skills;working independently;;building team and communication skillsbuilding cultural competence;demonstrating sound radiation safety practices; … For more content click the Read More button below.
Also covered in this subject:
Communication theory and practice;Productive relationship building and conflict resolution;Political and economic considerations;Professional leadership;Department management;Time management and workflow;Ethics and standards of practice;Reflective practice;Portfolio development;Practicum preparation; andCareer development.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
work independently with minimal direction;
identify and solve complex clinical problems, demonstrating advanced clinical reasoning skills;
consistently integrate the complexities of patient presentation and other surrounding issues in their practice;
exemplify highly developed teamwork and communication skills in all settings;
demonstrate skills to enhance communication with Indigenous Australians;
demonstrate skills to enhance the health outcomes of Indigenous Australians;
demonstrate cultural competence approaches to individual and professional models of health;
demonstrate leadership potential and initiative;
show advanced understanding of radiation safety in all situations under immediate supervision; and
model professionalism in all interpersonal interactions.
Enrolment restrictions
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science.
Not available to students who have successfully completed MRS490.
Work integrated learning
Placement Duration 1300 hours Details 36 week (162 days) clinical residency to meet accreditation requirements
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Students attending compulsory work integrated learning will incur costs associated with travel, accommodation and required resources.