This subject explores the historical evolution of midwifery together with contemporary and future directions for midwifery practice from a global, national and local perspective. Students will build upon their existing knowledge of law, ethics, safety and quality in healthcare as they apply it to the midwifery practice context. Students will … For more content click the Read More button below.
This subject will cover the following topics:
MODULE 1: Midwifery care: historical, contemporary and emerging perspectives;MODULE 2: Legal, ethical and professional issues in midwifery practice;MODULE 3: Safety and quality improvement in midwifery;MODULE 4: Improving midwifery care: research and evidence-informed practice; andMODULE 5: Transition to practice.
Assessment items
1. Written Task: Literature Review: Midwifery Practice Issue
2. Written Task: Analysis of a Midwifery Legal Case
3. Professional Development Plan
Assumed knowledge
Undergraduate nursing knowledge of legal and ethical requirements for practice as well as knowledge of professional standards and codes.
Enrolment restrictions
Graduate Diploma of Midwifery