
This subject explores the concepts ofakhlaq (morality) and adab (etiquette) as the fourth dimension of Islam. It highlights the importance of their application in demonstrating human virtue and perfection. The subject commences withakhlaq and adab in the everyday life of a Muslim, followed by immediate family, and then other common … For more content click the Read More button below.


Akhlaq (morality) and adab (etiquette) in the life of a MuslimStudying and learningParents, children and relativesHusband and wifeNeighbours and friendsWork environment and business transactionsThe environment and animalsReligion in public space and communicating the religionWorship

Assessment items

1. Engagement and Participation
2. Quiz
3. Essay: Case Scenario
4. Exam

Enrolment restrictions

Master of Islamic Studies (Articulated Set).