
As the first of two curriculum and pedagogy subjects, EMR441 Curriculum Method 1: Health & Physical Education and Outdoor Education will provide opportunities for teacher education students to develop an understanding of and apply the curriculum inclusions in the K-10 continuum of the NSW Personal Development, Health and Physical Education … For more content click the Read More button below.


The NSW PDHPE Curriculum - the role & value of PDHPE in the broader curriculumExperiential and environmental foundations of outdoor educationOutdoor education in the K-10 curriculumKey Learning Area syllabus requirements & structures - PDHPE, PASS & Child Studies, Life Skills, K-10 learning continuumCurriculum metalanguage - objectives, outcomes, capabilities, cross curriculum … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Presentation & unit desciptions
2. Learning Opportunities of Significance
3. Authentic Assessment

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to evaluate the role and value of health and physical education and outdoor education within the whole school curriculum; including an understanding of the continuum of learning from K to 10;
be able to design and employ strategies for differentiating teaching, learning and assessment to cater for the diverse needs of learners;
be able to critique and apply pedagogical models for teaching PDHPE/ outdoor education, including strategies explicitly designed to develop students' literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills in PDHPE;
be able to develop positive and safe learning environments that promote the social and emotional wellbeing of students;
be able to apply the structure and content of the NSW Stage 4 and 5 PDHPE/Child Studies/PASS/Life Skills syllabus or an appropriate curriculum for outdoor education to effectively program learning sequences, being mindful of issues of risk and safety, including e-safety, sexual safety and protective strategies;
be able to assess student achievement by designing real-world, meaningful, stage appropriate tasks, which engage learners in acts of intellectual quality and provide opportunity for all students to succeed; and
be able to prepare and apply standards-referenced marking criteria and meaningfully report learner achievement to key stakeholders.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is available to students entering into the following courses:

Bachelor of Education (Health & Physical Education)
Bachelor of Outdoor Education
Bachelor of Educational Studies
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)
Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Bachelor of Education (K-12)

or as approved by the Course Director