This subject introduces students to the physical, socio-emotional and intellectual development of adolescents. Students explore how these major domains interact with each other and their context to influence adolescent development and learning. Major theories of development (cognitive, constructivist, behavioural and ecological) will be examined and applied to educational contexts. Contemporary … For more content click the Read More button below.
The development of theory and research knowledge in child and adolescent development and learningPhysical development including neurobiological developmentLanguage developmentMajor theories of cognitive development including behavioural, constructivist and information processing theory and their application to learning and teachingTheories of socio-emotional and identity developmentContextual influences on child and adolescent development including families, … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Online Quizzes
2. Written Analysis- Learning and Development
3. Essay- Adolescent Case Study
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is not available to students who have completed EED215, EED308 and EED413.