
This subject builds on students’ previous knowledge and experience to integrate the principles of pathophysiology with patient assessment and history findings to identify potential differential diagnoses and formulate a working diagnosis for patients with traumatic injuries or exposed to environmental or toxicological emergencies. Students propose and implement ethical and culturally … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Managing the patient with a traumatic, toxicological, or environmental emergency;Management of major trauma incidents, including cardiac arrest in trauma and incidents involving head, facial, spinal, thoracic, and abdominal trauma, burns and crush injuries;Treatment and management principles of soft tissue and musculoskeletal trauma, drowning, … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Case Study
2. Oral Assessment

Assumed knowledge

Knowledge and skills related to being a registered nurse.

Enrolment restrictions

Only available to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Clinical Practice (Paramedicine) or Graduate Diploma of Clinical Practice (Paramedic).

Learning activities

Intensive School

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Students attending compulsory intensive schools on Charles Sturt campuses will incur costs associated with travel, accommodation and required resources.