This subject explores at an introductory level the 'professional self' and applies the contemporary professional model of community paramedic in a health continuum. This subject will focus on competencies that examine the professional responsibilities of paramedics in multifaceted roles within Australia: therapeutic communication, empathy, attitude, confidentiality, and patient safety. Such … For more content click the Read More button below.
This subject will cover the following topics:
Placement requirements; andPortfolio building and audit trail.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
describe the role of community-based and non-emergency health services in a range of environments;
demonstrate professionalism in a supervised clinical setting and articulate their role and tasks;
develop and demonstrate communication and team building skills;
maintain an effective audit trail of placement through portfolio development; and
demonstrate continual reflection on their practice.
Enrolment restrictions
Enrolment in this subject is restricted to students in the Bachelor of Paramedicine.
Work integrated learning
Placement Duration 80 hours Details The student will be required to attend 80 hours of placement during the year.Students will need to undertake a non-emergency and community based clinical placement of 80 hoursin settings including Non Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS), GP clinics and aged carefacilities.
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Students attending compulsory work integrated learning will incur costs associated with travel, accommodation and required resources (eg; uniform).