
This subject provides final year students with the opportunity to critically appraise and reflect on contexts and issues relevant to the contemporary practice of podiatry. Students will extend foundational knowledge of research to critically evaluate the value of podiatry practice knowledge. Critique of a range of relevant research methodologies will … For more content click the Read More button below.


Effective use of databases - literature review and identifying the scope of practice knowledge;Critical review of practice knowledge in podiatry and the broader evidence base in health;Critical review of research methodologies used to interrogate podiatric practice;Writing for research; andEffective communication of research - written format; oral presentation.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically evaluate the role of research and evidence-based practice in informing practice knowledge;
be able to critically analyse the use of a range of research methodologies used to explore podiatric practice;
be able to critique a contemporary practice issue in podiatry from a quality improvement perspective;
be able to communicate a critical review of practice knowledge effectively to an audience of peers, academics and practitioners;
be able to critically reflect on and self-evaluate their contribution to practice as a new graduate podiatrist; and
be able to demonstrate the threshold English language, literacy and numeracy proficiencies required for podiatry practice.

Enrolment restrictions

Restricted to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine.