
The internal influences on health services are examined from the perspectives of adaptive systems, organisational culture, and notions of 'diversity' and 'inclusivity'. Against this background, the discourses and social relations associated with health management and leadership practice are explored. Students will explore the strategies to promote teamwork. Thus, students will … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Complex adaptive systems;Discourse and social relations of health management and leadership;Health service structure, mission, vision, objectives, values and priorities;Organisational culture and development; andDiversity and inclusivity in health care.

Assessment items

1. Organisational culture online discussions
2. Strategies for teamwork and problem solving

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
critique the effects of organisational culture on health services;
critique strategies to promote teamwork within a health care organisation; and
demonstrate the ability to take into account multiple contextual factors when problem-solving in health management and leadership situations.

Enrolment restrictions
