
This subject will extend students' understanding of research in healthcare practice and assist them to reflect critically on their position in relation to research and data. Students will evaluate a range of methodological approaches to answering a research question, developing their skills in critical appraisal of disciplinary evidence, including Australian … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Approaches to research: research paradigms (ontology, epistemology, theoretical perspective and methodology); methodologies including qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods and Australian First Nations approaches to knowledge generation; international perspective on First Nations approaches to knowledge generation; Indigenous data sovereignty in the Australian context; guidelines for … For more content click the Read More button below. Research in healthcare contexts: critical appraisal of evidence to identify gaps and propose research questions; translation of research findings to support the delivery of safe and quality healthcare; culturally relevant research practices. Research methods: exploring tools and techniques for data collection, data analysis and interpretation, relevant to different research practices including Australian First Nations and international First Nations approaches. 

Assessment items

1. Exploring research and knowledge creation
2. Methodological analysis and appraisal
3. Designing research questions in and for practice

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
explain the value and application of research to the advancement of safe and quality healthcare practice and policy;
critically evaluate research design and methodology including Australian First Nations approaches;
compare different research approaches to investigating research questions;
demonstrate critical reflexivity in appraising disciplinary research to identify knowledge gaps and propose future research questions;
translate research to disciplinary practice to support the delivery of safe and quality healthcare; and
reflect critically on ethical principles informing research practices, including Australian First Nations approaches to knowledge generation and Indigenous data sovereignty in the Australian context.